Home/Outboards/Johnson Evinrude/Ignition Output Tests 3 4

Ignition output tests - 3, 4Outboards1996 Johnson/Evinrude 2HP - 8HP outboards

All cranking output tests must be performed with spark plugs installed and torqued in the cylinder head. If necessary to remove the spark plugs, be sure to keep the spark tester away from spark plug holes.

The following series of steps will systematically isolate a problem area in the ignition system. To reduce your troubleshooting time and to avoid incomplete results, perform these steps in the order written.


  1. Remove the spark plug leads from both spark plugs. To prevent damage to the spring terminal on the spark plug lead, twist and pull the cover.Spark plug leads
  2. Adjust the spark gap on the spark tester to 3/8in. (0,9 mm).
    Connect the tester leads to the spark plug leads. Secure tester clip to a clean engine ground.

    Note To prevent possible arcing of high voltage, position the tester leads at least 2 in. (51 mm) from any metal surface.

    To avoid possible shock hazard, do not handle ignition coils or spark tester during cranking tests.
  3. Crank the engine. Spark should jump each gap alternately.
    • If tester indicates good ignition, refer to STEP 5 - IGNITION MODULE RUNNING TEST.
    • If there is no spark or poor spark, proceed to STEP 2 -STOP CIRCUIT TEST.

Note It is possible for the ignition system to have a problem but still produce good output. If the engine "pops" or "back-fires" during starting, the ignition may be out of time. Check the following:

Updated on: Sunday, November 15, 2020

