Home/Outboards/Johnson Evinrude/Shift Lock Out Adjustment

Shift Lock out AdjustmentOutboards1998 Johnson/Evinrude 90 thru 175HP 60LV outboards

  1. Move shift lever to NEUTRAL position.
  2. Loosen retaining screw "D". Align the shift detent bracket "E" and the throttle tower shaft "F" until they are parallel.
  3. Tighten retaining screw "D"
  4. Check the adjustment by shifting to FORWARD and REVERSE and then back to NEUTRAL. The manual starter should not engage when the shift lever is in the FORWARD or REVERSE position.
  5. Start engine and allow it to reach operating temperature. Verify engine running quality.

Shift lock Out Adjustment

Updated on: Monday, December 14, 2020

